Dr. Li Clinic |
Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, our clinic applies acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, and other treatment to improve body functioning, heal diseases and relieve pain. The treatment is effective and we have received praises from all our patients.
Patient Diagnosis Procedure: Appointments can be booked by phone or via email. If you have the relevant disease diagnosis report or medical record, please bring them with you to your first appointment at the clinic. First Appointment The first appointment usually takes between 30 to 60 minutes. Depending on your illness condition, we may use Chinese medicine powder or tablets for your treatment. Chinese medicine powder is a concentrated granular formulation. It is made by processing good quality natural Chinese herbs at high temperatures in order to get the most from the ingredients . It is innocuous and has no side effects. Simply add hot water to the powder and drink. Acupuncture Depending on your illness condition, Acupuncture treatment can take 30 to 60 minutes. Patients experience deep relaxation during the acupuncture treatment. There is no pain and no loss of blood. During ear acupoint treatment, Chinese medicine herb seed is pressed against the ear. This treatment is effective and painless. Chinese Medicine External Treatment For some medical ailments (i.e. Sciatica, Gonitis), external application of Chinese medicine can be very effective; this form of treatment uses a type of Chinese medicine plaster applied to the affected area. Adjunctive Medical Equipment For some conditions, special medical equipment along with acupuncture can be used to achieve better results. Rest assured that using acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine, we will do our best to help you heal your disease, recover and improve your general health. Please feel free to contact the clinic by phone or via email for more information or to book an appointment. |